Increase your customers’ satisfaction and stand out in today’s competitive landscape

Since the way we ‘shop’ has changed so much in the last decade, it’s likely that you are constantly striving to offer your customers more added-value and secure shopping experiences to ensure their satisfaction and trust. We offer a broad range of protection and services to help your customers securing their buying experience. Simply put, we help you choose benefits from our proven assistance packages and together we co-design innovative and quick-to-market solutions.


Protecting your customers when shopping online

Since shopping online has become so easy, consumers expect safety and protection in the event of a problem. We help you develop digital protection services to meet their needs whether it’s a delivery issue, a fraudulent payment or identity theft.
In addition, we cover everything from insurance against theft or breakage of a phone, to assistance services for cyberbullying and legal assistance for problems after an online purchase

Woman shopping

Developing protection tools for your customers

We work with you to generate new ways to offer protection to your customers. One of our latest retail market research determined four ways to drive additional revenues by proposing insurance and assistance: through consumer goods, credit cards and loyalty programs, financing, and services. For you to grasp these new revenues opportunities, we help you deal with both the consumer credit and retail distribution entities of the retail groups, as well as with the credit card issuers (co-branded cards).

Man buy coffee

Making your customers’ shopping online a safer, more secure experience

Your customers expect peace of mind and safety during and after their purchase. With you, we design quick-to-market and unique tailored solutions to give extended protection to your consumers’ goods. From extended warranties, to psychological assistance to protect them online, customers will feel more secure and confident about their purchasing experiences with you.

Ready to start?

Interested in finding solutions?
Whether you are a retailer or e-commerce player, we help you build innovative, quick-to-market solutions to attract, protect and retain your customers.

More inspiration to enchant your customers